Gacha lana beer "cellphone annuler"

For those who do not know, in Rio Grande do Sul AMBEV has a local beer brand, the polar. All beer marketing based on joking about the state's barbarism. However, now the brewery has launched a different product, It is a bottle holder that blocks the cell phone signal when you have a Polar inside.

polar cell canceller
"The world's largest invention here" / AMBEV

As it should be, the campaign still has elements of barbarism: "from here" is a common expression in the south to differentiate who hence and who is not.

The blocker is built into the bottle holder, and works just like the ones in the presio. However, he had his range reduced to 1.5m, ie works only for members of the table where the beer is; It comes with rechargeable battery and only works when the bottle is inside. We have already seen other initiatives to reduce cell phone use in bars, but this extremely linked brand of beer.

For now, the device will make a kind of tour of the bars of the capital Gacha, being always possible to know which bar is in the fanpage of the brand on Facebook. According to brand communication manager Taciana vila,

The idea enables other people to experience the effects of the cell phone canceller. Disconnect from the world even for a few minutes for good company, good chat and a cold beer, always valid.

Link to video on Youtube.

I always complain a lot when my friends get stuck on their screens, whether in a bar, a restaurant, or even at home, however, I found myself staring at the screen and asking "just a second" if someone came to talk to me. This solution seems to be more invasive – since it cuts the signal from the device – but less radical – the non-permanent cut, when the bottle is removed, the blocker stops working. I haven't tested the device yet, but I always like an extra reason to go to a bar.

Did you like the idea? Or would you rather have a glass in your hand and your smartphone in the other?

(tagsToTranslate) Polar (t) AMBEV (t) Beer (t) Bar (t) Cellular (t) Null (t) RS (t) Bottle