Gabriel García Márquez wins Doodle from Google; author would turn 91

Gabriel García Márquez wins Doodle from Google;  author would turn 91

Gabriel García Márquez is the honoree of Google Doodle this Tuesday (6th). The author of One hundred years of Solitude it’s the Love in the Times of Cholera today would be 91 years old. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Colombian was one of the most important fictionalists in Latin America. Márquez died on April 17, 2014, in Mexico City, after being hospitalized with pneumonia while treating cancer of the lymphatic system.

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Doodle art was designed by artist Matthew Cruickshank and represents the village of Macondo, created by the author and popularized in the novel One hundred years of Solitude, published in 1967. Filled with fantastic elements, the book tells the story of the BuendĂ­a family and is considered by many to be the most celebrated work of its creator.

Gabriel García Marquez is honored by Google – Photo: Matthew Cruickshank / Google

García Márquez was born in Aracataca, Colombia, in 1927. His works have been translated into more than 35 languages ​​and he is considered one of the most important Spanish-speaking writers of all time.

His narratives portray the social problems of Latin America mixed with elements of fantasy. For this reason, he became known as one of the precursors and main exponents of the so-called Magic Realism, a literary movement that introduces fantastic or absurd events in realistic scenes in a common way.

1 of 1 García Márquez is one of the most important Spanish-speaking authors – Photo: Reproduction / Facebook (Gabriel García Márquez)

García Márquez is one of the most important Spanish-speaking authors – Photo: Reproduction / Facebook (Gabriel García Márquez)

The writer achieved so much relevance that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982 for his short stories and novels that bring «a world of richly composed imagination», capable of reflecting «the life and conflicts of a continent». Besides One hundred years, the Colombian is also famous for titles like Love in the Times of Cholera (1985), Chronicle of a Death Announced (1981) and Memoir of My Sad Whores (2004).

Via Google Doodles and Nobel Prize

The history of Google Doodles

The history of Google Doodles