For infants: PlayKids Explorer is a fun book club with elements of augmented reality

Perhaps as a sign of the resurgence of the so important habit of reading, the popularity of so-called book clubs, services usually contracted via the Internet that deliver to your door, every month, one or a few volumes curated by specialists, has grown here in no one´s lands in Brazil. upon payment of a subscription. The idea is great, because it adds the element of surprise in the act of reading (generally, you don't know in advance what the next titles will be) and the sense of community, since all subscribers to the same service receive the same package, prompting discussions.

The idea becomes even more cool when we talk about children's book clubs, since the habit of reading should be encouraged from an early age and things become relatively easier when a group of specialists in the field of education choose (or even produce) the titles and frees us from having to face the hellish children's sessions in bookstores, where valuable stories mix with productions that add nothing to the development of the little ones. In this sense, no club comes close to the PlayKids Explorer, new initiative by Movile.

PlayKids Explorer

Launched this week, Explorer is an intersection of two already established Movile products: the PlayKids children's educational platform and the Leiturinha book club. The great advantage of the new product is that the reading experience is magnificently complemented by a technology machine, children create their own avatar and, each month, receive a package with a specific theme containing a personalized book, passport, activities and cards Magic, with which you can interact and discover complementary content pointing the Magic Camera of the PlayKids app for iOS or for Android, the wonder of virtual reality bringing its practical benefits to the imagination of infants.

Suitable for children of 5 to 10 years, PlayKids Explorer costs R $ 60 / ms for the half-yearly subscription, which already includes full access to the PlayKids app, including Cmera Mgica and subscriptions can be made on the clubinho's official website. If you have a reader project at home, it's worth taking a look!

PlayKids app icon - Series and Games