Five tips for creating a quality Twitter filter for notifications

Twitter tests how to save posts to read later without having to bookmark

Twitter, a social network of microblogs, allows modifying notifications and making the experience more pleasant, according to the user’s wishes. Separated from the main timeline, the notification «bar» displays, by default, all likes, retweets, tweets sent in response (mentions) and new followers you receive. Any user can remove some of these notices and simplify the way that others interact with their account. Learn some quick tips.

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1 of 5 Twitter launches new measures to combat offensive messages on the microblog – Photo: (Photo: Disclosure / Twitter)

Twitter launches new measures to combat offensive messages on the microblog – Photo: (Photo: Disclosure / Twitter)

Mentions and notifications

One of the easiest and recommended possibilities for using a filter is choosing the type of notifications you want to receive. By clicking on the «Mentions» option, under «Notifications», you can only check the tweets sent to your account, with your «at» [@] addressed – that is, direct responses and quotes to you.

2 of 5 Tips for creating a quality Twitter filter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

Tips for creating a quality filter on Twitter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

By clicking on «Everyone», you have access to any type of notification, including new followers, likes and any other interaction with your account or conversation, even from those you don’t follow or don’t know. The best way to keep the timeline clean would be to leave the “Mentions” as the default. On this same screen, there is a link for settings, see how to adjust notifications in the best way.

Notification settings

In the «Settings» option, even in notifications, Twitter allows you to select exactly what type of alert you want to receive on the secondary timeline. Here it is possible to silence notifications from those you don’t follow, from someone who has a standard profile picture – usually new accounts (ex-eggs) -, who hasn’t confirmed a valid email or cell phone number, or people with recent accounts.

3 out of 5 Tips for creating a quality Twitter filter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

Tips for creating a quality filter on Twitter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

Decide the best setting for each case. By clicking on “Save changes” the changes take effect immediately and your notification timeline can be cleaner.

If there is any subject that is highlighted and much commented, it is always possible that exaggeration may displease. Twitter has a tool to silence words, which allows you to hide tweets that contain the chosen word see below.

4 out of 5 Tips for creating a quality Twitter filter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

Tips for creating a quality filter on Twitter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

It is possible to create a list of silenced words, in a very varied way. If you change your mind, just remove the silence and tweets containing that term will appear again. This can also help in clearing the main timeline.

Another possible way to better filter your notifications on Twitter is to activate the quality filter. Still in the settings, the user can check this option, so that the social network itself is in charge of dealing with low level of content.

5 out of 5 Tips for creating a quality Twitter filter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

Tips for creating a quality filter on Twitter for notifications – Photo: Reproduction / Felipe Vinha

This blocks interactions such as retweets or likes from fake accounts or «robot accounts» (bots), repeated tweets, and other «junk mail». The function does not, however, filter content from accounts that you follow that you have recently interacted with.

Block or silence people