Fire at MorumbiShopping causes Apple to close its store

Today, a fire hit MorumbiShopping, in So Paulo, at about 3 pm and caused an immediate evacuation of stores including the Apple Retail Store.

According to information obtained by the MacMagazine, the fire never reached the Apple store, but the mall's central air conditioning system pulled enough smoke into it.

Morumbi Apple Store full of people after firePhotograph: Caleb Nunes Nunes

“The smell of burning was very strong”, we were told. Fortunately, in addition to the fact that the fire did not reach the store and no one was injured, her anti-fire irrigation system did not need to be activated otherwise it could damage the products on display.

Apparently the situation was quickly contained and a large crowd gathered in front of Apple waiting for the store to reopen.

Morumbi Apple Store full of people after firePhotograph: Caleb Nunes Nunes

A few minutes ago, however, Apple Store management decided that the store will no longer reopen this Friday. The plan is to resume normal business hours from tomorrow.

We do not have exact information on what caused or what the fire was.