Federal Revenue app offers new “Draft” option for tax returns

THE IRS launched an income tax declaration application which has a new draft tool, which is intended to facilitate the completion of the 2015 declaration.

My Income Tax app icon

Through the new tool, which is optional to use, the taxpayer can organize the data throughout the year in a document part of the one to be sent to the Revenue. When sending the declaration, it is possible to import the draft information, complete it and then transmit everything Revenue.

The taxpayer who opts for the novelty will have until February 28th to edit his draft and import it. During the declaration period (probably from March 1 to April 30, 2015), only the import of the file is allowed by the Income Tax program.

The draft tends to be used more by taxpayers who use the full declaration model. However, it can also be useful for taxpayers who declare using the simplified model, as they can use it to, for example, record the sale of a car or property.

If I sold a car in the month of January, for example, I can already launch it in the IR draft so as not to forget the data. When it comes time to declare the IR, you no longer have to look for what the buyer's data is, where the receipt is. The taxpayer will also be able to issue, for example, receipts for consultations with dentists and doctors. With the receipt in hand, he puts it in the draft.

Carlos Roberto Occaso, subsecretary of collection and service of the Federal Revenue.

The “Draft” option is in the user's access area. It has the same appearance as the statement, but does not calculate tax or refund amounts. The IRS also guarantees that the draft information will not be consulted and does not constitute a kind of advance declaration.

According to Occaso, the draft is stored in the Revenue database, but only the taxpayer has access to this information (by means of a password). It is also possible to monitor the declaration processing by the application.

It seems that Leo is increasingly computerized.

(via G1)