Facebook launches 'snooze' function to avoid spoilers; know | Social networks

Facebook is testing a feature so that the user can hide publications that contain certain terms, in a kind of "Snooze" mode. According to the announcement of the novelty, made by the social network on Wednesday (27), it will be possible to avoid posts that have some unwanted content.

For example, if you do not want to read information about the latest episode of a series or movie you have not yet watched, the user can hide the posts from anyone, page or group with the selected term for a period of 30 days, avoiding spoilers . The function is still in the testing phase and is not available for all Facebook accounts.

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Facebook function helps prevent spoilers Photo: Reproduo / TechCrunchFacebook function helps prevent spoilers Photo: Reproduo / TechCrunch

Facebook function helps prevent spoilers Photo: Reproduo / TechCrunch

A tool to temporarily hide all publications from a friend or a page has been on the platform since January this year. As well as this feature, the experimental function will be accessed in the menu located in the upper right corner of each post. To activate the setting, I need to find a post that contains the keyword for the topic to be avoided. When you tap on Put keywords from this post in Snooze mode for 30 days and choose a name, you will no longer see the subject in your timeline. It is worth noting that the functionality, however, does not affect ads.

Some people may want greater security and, before they are caught off guard with a Game of Thrones spoiler, already make sure that they will not appear in the news feed. According to a Facebook representative in an interview with the American site TechCrunch, the social network is already working on it. Soon, resources should be added to previously hide a term and also a list of recurring keywords.

While the tool is still in the testing phase, to avoid spoilers Facebook users should resort to third-party solutions, such as browser extensions.

Via Facebook and TechCrunch

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