Face ID can use veins to differentiate twin brothers

As many of you may know, the Face ID is the biometric authentication method introduced with the iPhone X in 2017. As soon as the first devices arrived at the hands of users, many tests confirmed (and contradicted) the security of this technology, which has a false positive rate of 1: 1,000. 000.

While some of these tests included making super-realistic molds of people's faces, the common user concern with Face ID that facial biometrics fails with very similar or even identical people, if we are twins. Now an Apple patent application can indicate how the technology in iPhones and iPads Pro would more accurately differentiate these people.

The patent application published this Thursday by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) describes a technology capable of performing “vein matching for difficult cases of biometric authentication”, suggesting that blood vessels are also part of the user's visual identity.

Therefore, while univiteline twins may share extremely similar facial features, they have essentially different vein patterns, which would help in identifying the user who actually registered his face with Face ID.

Blood vessel reading based system

The system revolves around the capture of subepidermal images, including superficial organs such as blood vessels. Just as Face ID creates a 3D map of the user's face and compares it with the algermic versions of the Secure Enclave system, the user's vein data would be used to differentiate the identity of two (or more) similar people. / identical.

To capture these subepidermal images and match them properly, Face ID would use the TrueDepth camera's flood and infrared light sensor to identify these “hidden” organs under the skin. In addition to helping distinguish visually identical people, technology would also prevent masks or face molds from circumventing the Apple system.

It is worth noting that Apple is constantly filing new patents, and while the technology described is in the company's interest, there is no guarantee that it will be implemented in Apple's products. In addition, Face ID, as far as we know, is a purely based authentication system. In external appearance, but it is likely that Apple is planning to implement more accurate technology features.

via AppleInsider