Create your own QR codes for links, emails, Wi-Fi networks and more with the Visual Codes app

With iOS 11, a very useful new feature has arrived for users of iPhones, iPads and iPods touch: reading QR codes directly through the Cmera application.

The novelty works in a very simple, practical and quick way: just open the native app, point to the code and a small notification appears for you to touch and see where the code will take you to be a website, an app on the App Store or any another thing.

As with many features, I do not doubt that the use of QR codes will increase now that Apple devices have implemented this easier way to access them.

In addition, something that can further enhance this use the application Visual Codes, which allows you to transform various information into QR codes.

Visual Codes app icon

Created by developer and copywriter Benjamin Mayo, this app makes it easy to create QR codes for destinations we're not used to. This, in addition to being able to generate a code for the conventional website URLs, profiles on social networks and others, the application also allows you to create codes for contacts (name, email and phone), exact location on maps, email for a specific contact, calling a specific number, searching the internet and even accessing Wi-Fi networks.

All the codes you create are stored and you can organize them however you want just by dragging them. You can even choose between four visual options for your QR code and select a favorite code to access directly from Siri (only available in English, for now).

It's good to make it clear that the application requires iOS 11 to be installed, but you can send the codes you create to anyone, regardless of the device. The difference is in the fact that anyone who is already on iOS 11 and scans a code will go directly to the function; that is, automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network, open the Contacts app, Maps, or whatever is in the code. Those who do not yet have the new system will need third party apps to scan the QR codes and will only see the written information (Wi-Fi passwords, emails, location, etc.).

So, if you already have iOS properly updated, you can download the app for free from the App Store and, if you want to take advantage of the sharing and printing options of the codes, you can have access to everything for an in-app purchase of $ 2.

via The Loop