Council of Ministers adopts international convention on cybercrime seven years later

بيتيا ، NotPetya ، GoldenEye.  لا يهم الاسم إلا أن الفيروس لا يزال يعيث فسادا

The Government will bring to the Assembly of the Republic a motion for a resolution approving a Convention on Cybercrime, adopted in Budapest in November 2001.

At the meeting this Thursday, the Council of Ministers approved a proposal for a resolution for the adoption of the Budapest Cybercrime Convention, which will now be taken to the Assembly of the Republic.

The Budapest Cybercrime Convention dates from November 2001 and emerged as the first international instrument on this type of crime.

The document aims to harmonize the national laws of States in the area of ​​cybercrime, as well as to facilitate international cooperation and investigations of a criminal nature.

The Convention defines crimes against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems, crimes related to content and computer crimes. It also includes procedural, investigative and international cooperation measures adapted to crime offenses committed in cyberspace or by means of computers.