Convertos, Neon Chrome, Soulver and more!

Deals of the day on the App Store: Convertos, Neon Chrome, Soulver and more!

Take advantage of our selection of App Store promotions this Thursday!

Looking for something to convert miles to kilometers, meters to centimeters? meet the Converts, created by Vitaly Kuz’menko, a utility in the form of widget for your macOS!

The application, once installed, is constantly available in the Notification Center, being a converter of multiple units of area, energy, temperature, length, weight, speed, pressure, strength, volume and time.

Convertos app iconScreenshot of the Convertos app

Nota on the App Store

My grade

Check out a video on how to install the app:

Take advantage of the offer! ?

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Below are other applications / games that together add up more than R $ 76 discount:

IOS Apps

Neon Chrome app icon

Action game.

European War 6 app icon: 1804

Strategy game.

Last Colossus app icon

RPG game.

Epica Pro app icon - Funny Camera

Photo effects.

MacOS app

Soulver app icon

Helps you calculate what you need.

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Enjoy the offers and see you tomorrow! Ah, remembering that they are always for a limited time, so it’s good to run! ?