Commission votes today final report of the Magalhães survey

JP Sá Couto and Critical Links join efforts in the classroom

Another meeting of the Eventual Parliamentary Inquiry Commission is scheduled for today for the Government to act in relation to the Foundation for Mobile Communications (FCM), which is expected to vote on the final report presented last week, with the changes suggested by the parties that are part of the commission.

The report prepared by PSD deputy Carina Oliveira underlined that the Government «escaped the obligation to promote an international public tender under current national and community law – for the supply of equipment (and ‘software’) within the scope of its initiative. sole responsibility, ‘e-schools’. »

In nine points, the conclusions of the hearings to dozens of those involved in the selection process of Magalhães and the creation of the Foundation were summarized, stressing that this was an act of the Government and not of the operators, who will have been «forced» to participate in the program as a way to carry out the counterparts of the licenses to operate UMTS networks. The report concludes that it was the executive who directly and completely controlled FCM.

In the presentation of the report, on 2 June, MPs from the PS, PCP and BE showed their intention to present amendments to the report, which ended up not being voted on. These proposals should have been submitted by June 4 to integrate the document that will be subject to vote today.

This week the PS released its proposed amendments to the report and explains that «the matter of fact ascertained by the commission of inquiry, whether it be documentary or testimonial evidence, does not result from any irregularity or illegality, either in the contracts concluded between the State and the stakeholders, whether in the monitoring of the entire program by the FCM «, the entity responsible for the management of the e-schools and e-kindergarten programs.

It should also be remembered that at the end of last week the European Commission closed the investigation it was holding regarding the award of the purchase of the Magalhães laptop to JPSá Couto, revealing however new doubts regarding the e-schools program.