CNH Digital is now available throughout Brazil

First it was in Gois and the Federal District, then in So Paulo, and now all Brazil it is entering the wave of the digital driver's license. As of today, Friday (27/4), inhabitants of all states of the federation can already enjoy the CNH Digital and to have an electronic identification document, dispensing with the piece of plasticized paper that accompanied us over the past few decades.

Rio de Janeiro was the last state to adopt the technology, on Wednesday (4/25); with that, the entire national territory gains access to CNH Digital before of the maximum term promised, which was 1 July.

CNH Digital

As already explained, all drivers with the new National Driver's License model, with a QR code on the inside, can take advantage of the digital model of the document. Those who still have the old version of the letter and do not want to wait until the mandatory renewal to obtain the new model can do so by purchasing a duplicate of the document, which requires the payment of a fee to the DMV of each state.

Once you have the appropriate CNH, simply register for free on the Denatran Services Portal and go to the Detran agency in your state where your document was issued, to confirm the data (or do so through a paid digital certificate) . Finally, just access the CNH Digital application with your Denatran registration and enter the activation code provided by the agency, creating a four-digit password for access. From now on, you will be able to ride with your cell phone in your pocket or purse.

Speaking of apps, it’s good to remember that CNH Digital for iOS was recently updated, bringing support to the iPhone X and everything. So even the most, say, technologically favored people will be able to take advantage of Denatran's news.

Digital Traffic Wallet app icon

via G1