Automobile stamp has been requested online by 73 thousand Portuguese

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Since last Wednesday, when the automobile seal was put up for sale, 96 thousand payments have been made regarding the Municipal Vehicle Tax (IMV), 76 percent of which through the Internet and the rest through local finance services. , the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration said in a statement.

This year, the Ministry of Finance made it possible to settle the IMV «electronically, making payment via Multibanco, ‘homebanking’, and computerized means in local finance services», contrary to what happened in previous years when payment it could only be carried out at the treasuries of local Finance services, at some Parish Councils and at authorized resellers, as mentioned in a statement.

The strong adhesion of the Portuguese to the electronic media, for the requisition of the stamp, leads to believe that the traditional waiting lines and the high concentration of payments postponed to the last days of payment are alleviated.

According to the statement issued by the ministry, the online payment of IMV has a positive impact at the level of services «generating gains in efficiency and effectiveness of the Tax Administration, allowing the improvement of the service provided and the release of human resources for other critical areas, as well as the possibility of automatic processing of information and the consequent reduction in its production costs «.

It should be remembered, however, that the tax payment was delayed to allow the introduction of the new system and that some concessions were made to the plans initially envisaged, which did not include any type of payment in the local financial services.

The deadline for taxpayers to settle the IMV ends on 14 July this year, with no expectations on the number of payments expected via the Internet.

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