ASSOFT clarifies billing software certification

PT admits price increase with VAT increase

ASSOFT – Associação Portuguesa de Software has a clarification campaign on the ground for manufacturers of invoicing and accounting software, which from September onwards will have to comply with new certification rules imposed by the State.

By means of a decree published in June, software-houses are obliged to adapt their applications to the new rules – which aim to guarantee the inviolability of invoices after their issue – until September.

The new rules that will now affect billing applications complement SAFT-PT, the system that is already in force in Portugal and that already produces a billing summary file, to be analyzed by Finance.

With the clarification actions, ASSOFT hopes to facilitate the transition process, «supporting companies producing software in the technical requirements of certification, promoting good practices and greater speed and ease», it refers to in a press release.

«We are working together with companies and software-houses, in order to clarify the whole certification process, which is really complex and has to be carried out in a relatively short period of time», stresses Manuel Cerqueira, president of ASSOFT.