April 1 – The best ICT-related lies

Sapo opens laboratory at the University of Aveiro

You need to be very attentive to the news on April 1st. The tradition of telling lies goes back a long way, and there are several explanations, including the origin of the game in France, as explained by Wikipedia. In any case, the tradition of making up stories continues and the Internet is now one of the most conducive channels for the dissemination of «petas», more or less elaborated.

TeK did not want to be left out and the marketing of an iPhone-ix package, an iPhone exclusive in Portugal by CTT, was honored in several places.

But stories have proliferated today, with some sites and blogs excelling in well-armed news, with wishfull thinking to the mixture. We have put together some of the best jokes – published in Portugal and around the world – in no particular order:

  • Virgle Project – a joint adventure between Virgin and Google to Mars, to which all internet users are invited to join
  • MS Office supports ODF, OOXML, Windows, Mac and GNU / Linux – on the Free Software blog that also writes IPQ wants to normalize national bloggers
  • World Of Warcraft: Molten Core – a new game with a trailer and everything.
  • Betamax to HD DVD Converter – a ThinkGeek proposal to convert old Betamax recordings to HD DVD format.
  • Apple reveals Mac OS XI specs – InfoWorld news
  • Microsoft announces acquisition of the University of Évora and ESOP fined by the European Commission are just two of the posts that Paulo Vilela published today, showing that he takes April 1 seriously
  • An interview with Steve Jobs on the Mahalo Daily. It seems that it also talks about the business for the iPhone-ix …
  • iPhone in Portugal at US prices, on Carlos Martins’ blog
  • gDay – a new feature from Google Australia that lets you search for content on the web before it is created
  • Apple to bundle Windows Vista with Mac laptops and desktops from ITProPortal
  • Printscreen purchased by Blog.com – on Vitor Domingos’s blog
  • Teacher’s head explodes due to Wi-Fi, mobe radiation, The Register’s fake news
  • Orkut changed its logo to yogurt
  • Xbox has new proposals for spring
  • New Sophos facial recognition technology uses webcams to stop hackers and virus writers in their tracks a new Sophos malware recognition technology
  • Microsoft makes OPA hostile to Google !, news from news
  • Microsoft buys Apple, an article from Bit magazine
  • Microsoft Buys Yahoo So Google Buys Microsoft in Hostile Takeover another news of cross acquisitions, from Search Engine Round Table
  • Microsoft buys Yahoo and Google buys Facebook in a slightly different version of Online Tech Tips
  • Sun’s CEO announces on his blog a new strategy in which he asks users of applications to return everything that was created with software distributed by the company. But all the same … and within 30 days.

These are some of the examples, where Google and Apple end up having great relevance. If you know about other April 1 games related to technology, send us the link so that we can also reference them.

Editor’s Note: [2008-04-01 21:46] The list was updated with some suggestions from readers.

[2008-04-02 13:46] New update.