Application helps you find places with a focus on rock and electronic music

If you are interested in rock and electronic music but doesn’t know where to find establishments with these themes, the app AfterGyn can help you with this task.

AfterGyn app icon

With a very simple and dark interface (I love it!), The app shows you only three tabs of information: "Establishments", "Promotions" and "About".

The first option is the home screen, where the map is marked with the various bars, clubs, etc. focused on rock and / or electronic music. When you touch a pointer the name of the place appears and, touching it, you go to a screen with information such as opening hours, address and contact channels.

The second tab briefly lists the most recent promotions offered by the establishments. By choosing one, you see detailed information about the promotion on the screen (how to participate or conditions). The "About" tab shows the information about the application itself and the channels of contact with the developers.

For now, AfterGyn is only available to establishments located in Goinia (GO) which is a great option for those who find it difficult to find places that do not have a focus on the backcountry. However, according to the creators, the application will soon expand to several places in the country and also bring functions such as user interactions with establishments, dissemination of menus and events such as alternative festivals.

The application can be downloaded for free from the App Store and also from Google Play.