Apple may be involved in the development of Light Peak technology in conjunction with Intel

Several ideas were raised as to why Intel used a workstation non-produced by Apple with Mac OS X to demonstrate the technology Light Peak in your developer forum later this week. If you were thinking that the machine used was a prototype of some product, I'm sorry to say you're wrong: the hardware used, according to sources connected to the Engadget, would have been built between the two companies in an exclusive character to demonstrate the new technology.

Intel Hack Demo

It is speculated that Apple is not only involved in the development of technology Light Peak, as the inventor of the idea would have been, asking Intel to kick-start its creation and promotion in the market. This is something that could come up in future generations of Macs, so it makes no sense that there are no compatible peripherals (like the SSD used in the demonstration).

Apple's initial plans on the subject would date back to 2007, when the proposal came up to create an interoperable standard to deal with various hardware-related tasks (connecting monitors, powering storage solutions, FireWire, USB, etc.) in just one connection. with the machine, which obviously requires not only huge bandwidth, but also the highest possible speed. This explains a lot like the death of the FireWire 400 and Apple's lack of interest in working with the FireWire 3200 or USB 3.0, the latter being a creation of Intel itself.

What the Engadget suggests that the day for Apple to include only ports Light Peak on their computers, as they are able to handle any connection need. And that shouldn't take long to happen more precisely, at the end of next year, and not only affect Macs, but also iPods and iPhones.

Light Peak on Apple gadgets

One of the ideas proposed for the use of Light Peak on mobile devices can be seen in the image above. Theoretically, it would be much easier to use a high-speed Apple gadget to sync with iTunes or to generate high definition images on a TV. The strange thing is that Intel is not behind anything that makes up iPods / iPhones today, but diagrams like the one in the image above still represent possible ideas.