Apple Makes App Store Age Rating Changes in Brazil

On its developer portal, Apple today reported some related changes App Store age rating.

The company said it was committed to "ensuring the store is a safe place for children around the world when they search and download apps." Due to Brazilian regulations, the age ratings in our country that are automatically generated by App Store Connect have been adjusted.

From now on, apps that contain, on a rare / moderate level, mature or suggestive themes, sexual content or nudity will be classified as 12 years or older; apps that make rare / moderate reference to alcohol use, to tobacco Or the drugs will be classified as 14 years or older; finally, apps that frequently or intensely address mature or suggestive themes, realistic violence, sexual content or nudity, or betting simulation will be classified as 18 years and over.

Apple TV + and Twitter apps age ratingApple TV + (L / 4 +) and Twitter (16/17 +) apps age rating.

The age rating displayed on the App Store next to Apple's own rating in the examples above, we have the Brazilian ratings "free" and "16 years", while Apple's (based on US law) are "4 years" and " 17 years".

Image: Dice