Apple launches Search Ads Basic, a more basic ad option on the App Store for smaller developers

As we know, it was last year that Apple started making available to developers the Search Ads, that is, sponsored searches for apps and games on the App Store. Thus, sponsored apps always appear at the top of the list when users search for a specific term.

As of today, this advertising modality with greater personalization is called Search Ads Advanced and gains a more basic option, for smaller developers, to Search Ads Basic.

Search Ads BasicDid anyone notice that golden MacBook Pro a? Or is it just the illusion of ethics? 😝 | Credit: @markgurman

Just as it already existed (under another name), developers who choose Advanced will be able to select keywords, filter the audience in the way they prefer and have access to more specific demographic data. In this option, developers pay each time a user taps to view the ad.

Now, with Basic, developers only pay for the actual installs of the applications (pay-per-install). And, as in the most basic plan it is not possible to filter the audience in a more personalized way, developers just need to define how much monthly budget they plan, what the maximum cost per installation they would like and that's it.

To make it easier, Apple even suggests the maximum that the developer should pay, based on the historical data from the App Store related to the type of application being marketed as always, with the maximum possible respect for users' privacy.

Search Ads

Basic still has a maximum monthly budget limit of $ 5,000, which may be sufficient for smaller developers, but it may not be advisable for larger companies that set aside a (much) larger amount than this to invest in advertising campaigns. .

For now, Search Ads Basic is only available in the United States, but is expected to expand to other countries next year.