App to read manga in Portuguese free: see how to use Manga Rock | E-books and culture

Manga Rock is an app for reading manga in Portuguese. Available for Android and iPhone (iOS), the service is free and allows access to the content translated and made available by Union Mangas. The user can read online without any restrictions or download a restricted number of stories to access offline. The full version of the application costs R $ 23 and allows you to download an unlimited number of manga, remove advertisements and bring automatic download of new chapters.

In the following tutorial, check out how to use the Manga Rock app to read manga in Portuguese free via mobile. The procedure was performed on an iPhone 8 with iOS 12, but the tips are also valid for users of devices with the Google operating system.

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Learn how to use the Manga Rock app to read mangs on your cell phone Photo: Helito Beggiora / dnetcLearn how to use the Manga Rock app to read mangs on your cell phone Photo: Helito Beggiora / dnetc

Learn how to use the Manga Rock app to read mangs on your cell phone Photo: Helito Beggiora / dnetc

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Step 1. Install the Manga Rock app on your phone. When opening for the first time, it will be necessary to select the font of mangs. To do this, tap on "Choose a font" and then open the "Portuguese" tab and click on "Union Mangas";

Access the initial configuration of Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito BeggioraAccess the initial configuration of Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Access the initial configuration of Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Step 2. In the Manga Rock library, the user can find stories to read in the "For you", "Everyone" and "Latest" tabs. If you are looking for something specific, tap on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner to open the search;

Find manga to read at Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito BeggioraFind manga to read at Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Find manga to read at Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Step 3. Tap on a mang to see the details of the story. Use the heart icon to add it to the "Favorites" tab. In the upper right corner of the screen is the download button, useful to read the content offline. To download, it is necessary to create a free account at Manga Rock;

Add to favorites and download manga on Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito BeggioraAdd to favorites and download manga on Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Add to favorites and download manga on Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Step 4. You can find the stories last opened in the "Recent" tab and see the downloaded downloads in "Downloads". In the lower right corner of the screen, under "Account", it is possible to access the settings of the application and data about your account;

View recent and downloaded manga on Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito BeggioraView recent and downloaded manga on Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

View recent and downloaded manga on Manga Rock Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Step 5. When reading a mang, remember that the order of reading is oriental, ie "backwards" in relation to the western pattern. Thus, the screen must be slid from right to left. The user can change this by touching the gear icon to access the reading settings. The oriental pattern is already configured in the "Horizontal" app. The other two ("Vertical and" Book mode ") have the most common sense for Brazilians. Use the buttons on the bottom bar to see the thumbnails of the pages and to advance or rewind chapters.

Configure the Manga Rock player to change from the eastern to the western direction Photo: Reproduo / Helito BeggioraConfigure the Manga Rock player to change from the eastern to the western direction Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Configure the Manga Rock player to change from the eastern to the western direction Photo: Reproduo / Helito Beggiora

Ready. Take advantage of the tips to read your manga on your mobile with the Manga Rock app.

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