Anticipating the WWDC, Apple releases the first preview of Swift 3.0 for developers

A few weeks ago, the development team at Swift announced that a new version of the programming language, 3.0, would be released by the end of the year, with developer releases released 4-6 weeks after the publication of the branch (subdivision) “preview” on GitHub, on May 12th.

Said and done: it is now available to programmers, enthusiasts and the curious Preview 1 of Swift 3.0.


The preview is still a very early version, and certainly a far cry from what we will see when the final Swift 3.0 is released at the end of the year. Still, a way for developers to begin to familiarize themselves with the new face of language that is not backwards compatible, it is good to remember in time for WWDC 2016, which will certainly have the new version as one of the protagonists.

And, apparently, the pace of updates is frenzied: here is a list of the changes proposed in Swift 3.0 that are already implemented in this first preview.

To get a taste of Preview 1 of Swift 3.0, just go to the official website of the language and download the desired version either for Xcode, Ubuntu 15.10 or Ubuntu 14.04.

(via 9to5Mac)