And now let's go to our room compiled from iOS 10 beta screenshots!

If you want to know and keep up with all the new details and changes about Apple's operating systems, nothing better than our compiled screenshots.

Check out the ones we recently published, in order:

Now room time (!) Focused on iOS 10 it is probably the last one we will publish until the second beta version of it comes out, which should happen next Monday (27/6). Let's go! 😉

IOS 10 beta screenshotThe time on the Lock Screen is now shifted to the side when the iPad is in landscape mode | Image: Guilherme Augusto
IOS 10 beta screenshotIOS 10 now indicates which state you're calling from and marks potential spam / prank calls | Image: Breno Masi
IOS 10 beta screenshotSafari with Split View native | Image: Tiar Balbi Bonamini
IOS 10 beta screenshotMenu with option to send link to mode Split View Safari native | Image: Tiar Balbi Bonamini
IOS 10 beta screenshotDragging a flap to the side to open it in Split View on Safari | Image: Juliano Rossi
IOS 10 beta screenshot It is easy to generate PDFs throughout the system now, using the print option | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotExample of search in Fotos for the content of the image | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotThe look of the WatchOS Chronometer was also brought to iOS | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotNew “Magnifier” feature in Accessibility | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotThe “Magnifier” can be greatly enlarged | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotand it also has some filters | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotThe Dictionary now has a direct area in the Settings | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotMail, Contacts and Calendar have been separated in Settings | Image: Flaumbert Streets
IOS 10 beta screenshotLiking / disliking songs through CarPlay | Image: Jose Augusto Cardoso
IOS 10 beta screenshotMusic application running on CarPlay | Image: Jose Augusto Cardoso
IOS 10 beta screenshotListening to podcasts via streaming on CarPlay | Image: Jose Augusto Cardoso

Finally, as we have covered here on the website, the Game Center as a standalone app it no longer exists on iOS 10 or macOS Sierra. To carry out one of his main functions is to invite friends, the systems will now use Messaging itself. The cool thing that, for developers, nothing needs to be done in their games; the old Game Center API continues to work perfectly for this.

See you next time!