Altran CIS wants to compete for leadership in the Portuguese market

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Altran CIS wants to compete for the top places in the Portuguese ranking of consultants. The goal was set today by Célia Reis, the company’s general director, at a press conference. The company results from the integration of Prisma and Global N, within the scope of a strategic reformulation of the Altran group – to which the companies already belonged – which chose to unify all the brands that made up the company.

Altran CIS will bring together those two assets and operate for a broader set of markets where the company hopes to take advantage of the new structure, which is larger and with more resources.

The team of 200 consultants has telecommunications and financial services as strategic markets, traditionally addressed by Global N and Prisma and still with a weight of 11 and 44 percent in the company’s turnover, but also a set of new areas whose weight of intends to increase. This range includes the public sector, media, energy and utilities and life sciences sectors which together currently represent 24 percent of the company’s turnover. The small and medium-sized market is also a priority where the consultant wants to gain ground.

By areas, Altran CIS maintains its focus on Business Intelligence and reinforces its focus on Business Solutions, the IT Strategy area and tailor-made solutions. It is also within the scope of this subsidiary that the near shore. This competence center seeks to attract development activities to Portugal that target customers and even companies in the group of other markets that benefit from this synergy with Portugal and with Portuguese resources.

Today, Business Intelligence represents 30 percent of the consultancy’s business in Portugal. The Business Solutions and custom development area weighs close to 50 percent, explained Célia Reis.

For the next year, Altran CIS wants to accumulate a turnover of around 11.7 million euros, which will represent a growth of 15 percent compared to the results of 2006. In 2008, the expectation is that the various segments of addressed market will take on a similar weight in revenue sharing.

This year the company invoiced around 10 million euros, being responsible for half of the invoicing of the Altran group in Portugal.

Altran CIS operates in the renewal of information systems management processes in companies, auditing and controlling information systems to obtain gains in terms of costs, efficiency, company productivity or customer satisfaction, explains organization.

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