Alliance between companies and the State can boost dematerialization of tax processes

Operators chose MagalhĂŁes

To speed up the dematerialization of processes and the fiscal connection, Carlos Zorrinho, coordinator of the Technological Plan, proposes the idea of ​​an alliance between companies and the state. The proposal could even become a measure of the Technological Plan, Zorrinho said yesterday, in a conference promoted by ACEP.

Inspired by the Brazilian model, presented by Vinicios Pimentel de Freitas, from the Finance Secretariat of Rio Grande do Sul, who explained how it was possible to implement an electronic invoicing system (Public Digital Bookkeeping System – SPED) in various economic sectors, Carlos Zorrinho defended that he does not believe in the success of a compulsory model, where companies are forced to adhere. «This may not be the best way», he defended, explaining that many times if these processes are imposed «top down» it creates a suspicion.

«It therefore proposed to form an alliance between companies and the State for progressive, sectoral and equitable dematerialization», explains Carlos Zorrinho. The proposal is that the sectors that may have the most benefits in this dematerialization advance first.

Asked by TeK about the sectors that could be in the front line, Carlos Zorrinho admits that it will probably be the services, which are better prepared and have more to gain in a faster relationship with the State.

Agreeing with Carlos Zorrinho’s proposal, Vinicios Pimentel de Freitas said that in the case of Brazil initially the project was not mandatory, but that after six months of implementation, it was the companies themselves who asked for the obligation. «Companies did not want to be at a disadvantage in the face of competition», he justified.

It should be recalled that, within the scope of the SPED project, the Brazilian Government invested in the implementation of the digital invoice, with mandatory national level, intending to cover 35 thousand companies by the end of 2008, extending this process to all market sectors by 2010.