Alfred is a butler for your Mac

Some applications earn the right to live on the first page of the iPhone / iPad. If you spend a lot of time in front of your Mac, Alfred it can be one of those.

The name and icon suggest its usefulness: a butler for your Mac. In fact, Alfred works as a programmable remote, as long as the iPhone and Mac are on the same Wi-Fi network.

The iOS app (called Alfred Remote) is fully customized by the desktop application, and you can create pages by interest. For example, on one page you set up system actions such as activating the screen saver, emptying the Trash, closing all applications, or even turning off the Mac. In a second, put buttons to open the applications you use most.

Alfred, in its free version, can even have buttons that run simple macros like opening Safari on a given page, controlling iTunes or even using texts that are in the Mac clipboard so you can have a page with texts only that you type frequently, like email signatures for example.

But in the paid version, Alfred becomes a really powerful app, because you can create workflows extremely complex using actions provided by the application or even triggering AppleScripts. One visit to Google is enough to find a multitude of workflows available for free on the web.

If you didn't know this couple of apps, I recommend it.

Alfred app icon

Alfred Remote app icon