Ad Block in Chrome would be connected to a coalition with Google and Facebook

Google fixes “page jumps” in Chrome

Industry rumors have pointed out this week that Google would be considering the possibility of including an ad blocker in Chrome.

The first information showed that Google’s goal was to discourage users from using third-party software and paying fees in exchange for allowing ads not to be blocked.

Now, a report on the AdAge website points out that the search engine movement would be connected to a coalition of “better ads”, formed by Google, Facebook, The Washington Post, News Corp, Procter & Gamble, Reuters and others.

According to the group’s description, companies would plan to implement new global online advertising standards and prevent irritating advertisements from continuing to spread on the world wide web.

“Advertising helps support valuable free content, robust journalism and social connections on the Internet. Consumers, however, are increasingly frustrated with advertisements that interrupt their experience, interrupt content and decrease navigation, ”says the group in a press release.

Things now seem to fall into place and, in fact, explain Google’s sudden interest in an ad blocker in their browser.