$ AAPL rises again, closes at record and Apple's market cap reaches $ 891 billion [atualizado 2x: mais recordes!]

These are good days for Apple and, especially, for its investors. It was only four days ago that we reported here the last time that the company's stock broke its historical record and now, we are with another record.

THE $ AAPL closed the day $ 172.50, highest value in the company's history and that gives Apple a market value of absurdities $ 891 billion it is also, of course, the largest ever registered by the company.

$ AAPL record on November 3, 2017

It is good to note, however, that this is the closing value of the day on the NASDAQ just after the opening of the nail, the shares reached a maximum of US $ 174.25, which made the company, for the first time, of the $ 900 billion market value (even if temporarily). This is the last barrier to be overcome by Apple now, it only depends on itself and its success to, who knows, become the first company in the world in modern times to reach the mark of the first dollar trail.

Is the path clear for Tim Cook and his gang or are there still obstacles in the path of the (almost) unprecedented brand? That, only time will tell.

Update 11/06/2017 s 21:35

And, again, we have a record. THE $ AAPL closed today with a value of $ 174.25, which gives Apple a market value of $ 894.65 billion both, of course, the largest in its history. This is the definitive amount after the closing of the trading sessions, but during the day, the price per share reached almost US $ 175; We are therefore likely to see some more records over the next few days. Impressive, very impressive.

Update II 11/07/2017 s 21:00

And we're with another record! Today the $ AAPL closed with a value of $ 174.81 (0.32% increase), giving Apple a market value of $ 897.53 billion. During the price, Ma's shares rose even further and reached $ 175.22.

Apparently, the next few days will be filled with these records more often. Are we close to the consolidated $ 900 billion?