Tip: don't forget to fill out your Medical File in the iOS Health app

Since the app Sade (Health) came to iOS, in its version 8, it has a feature that few can know / use: Medical Record (Medical ID). We covered it in our detailed article about the app, but it is worth a partial reminder of how important this can be.

To configure it, open the Sade app, go to the last tab at the bottom ("Medical File") and tap "Edit" in the upper right corner of the screen. In addition to filling in all the data you find relevant, make sure that the option “Show When Blocked” is enabled:

IOS Health Medical Sheet

There, that's it!

Now, in case you have an accident or something like that (God forbid), anyone can take your iPhone and, on the Locked Screen, touch “Emergency” and then “Medical Record” to access the record. It is data that can save lives or, at the very least, facilitate contact with someone important (spouse, father, mother, etc.).

IOS Health Medical Sheet

It is obvious that not everyone knows about the existence of this feature, but among the medical community it should be more widespread (so we hope) because many use iPhones. At least Apple did its part by implementing this natively on iOS; now make yours yours by filling in your details correctly.

Here's the tip!

(tip from Aguinaldo Secatto)