99 Announces Mandatory Use of Mask on Travel

99 Mengumumkan Penggunaan Wajib Topeng saat Perjalanan

99 announced on Monday (1st) that all passengers and drivers must wear masks during races made by the app for security against Covid-19. The platform will feature facial recognition technology, performed through a selfie, to identify the presence of the equipment on the drivers’ faces. The measure is valid both for people transport trips and for food deliveries through 99Food.

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The resource arrives in Brazil operating in all cities where 99 operates in the country. In the first instance, if drivers and delivery personnel fail to comply with the standard, they will be warned with educational messages. As of June 9th, offenders will not be able to connect to the app until they redo the facial reading using a protection that covers nose, mouth and chin.

1 of 1 Drivers who are not wearing a face recognition mask will be prevented from connecting to 99 – Photo: Disclosure / 99

Drivers who are not wearing a face recognition mask will be prevented from connecting to 99 – Photo: Press Release / 99

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To further intensify enforcement, the platform will also send questions to passengers within the app to confirm that drivers and couriers are wearing a mask. The customer will also be able to inform if they have hygiene and sterilization equipment for the vehicle, such as alcohol gel, for example.

Passengers, in turn, will also be required to wear masks when traveling. If a driver identifies that the customer is without protection, he can report the infraction in the application and cancel the race. 99 says in a statement that acts that go against the platform’s Terms of Use can lead to temporary account lockout for users, whether they are drivers or passengers.

In May, Uber also made drivers wearing masks mandatory, and announced a similar facial recognition system to identify the use of the equipment through selfies in the app. In addition, the races in the rival app had the maximum number of passengers reduced to up to three people, to avoid using the passenger seat.

The 99 has also reinforced the decrease in contact between drivers and passengers. In April, the company launched an “identification card” with information about the race to facilitate the start of the trip, without those involved having to talk to each other. In addition, the company offers free disinfection of cars from partner drivers, travel discounts for those who wish to donate blood, as well as the contactless delivery option at 99Food.

How to report «shakes shakes» on Uber and 99? Ask questions in the dnetc Forum.

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