1% of Alibaba makes $ 150 million to Yahoo

1% of Alibaba makes $ 150 million to Yahoo

In the business with many zeros, Yahoo managed to make a significant contribution by selling only one percent of the capital of China’s most important e-commerce company, Alibaba.com. 150 million dollars is the value of the deal (101.9 million euros).

The intention to sell had already been expressed to market regulators and is now materialized, allowing the company a gain of 50 million dollars, compared to the amount invested in 2007 when it took the stake.

The company justifies the deal as an opportunity to take advantage of the huge appreciation of the Chinese company over the past year.

The North American Internet company, however, maintains a 40 percent stake in Alibaba Group, which owns 74 percent of Alibaba.com. Participation in the Alibaba Group cost the company $ 1 billion.