↪ Five more CocoaHeads Brasil events will take place this Thursday


CocoaHeads is a group made up of developers (professionals and beginners), who organize themselves to bring together people with the same passion: programming for iDevices from Apple (OS X and iOS). Our meetings are informal and serve to bring together people who like the same topic as you (program!). We promote talks and lectures by members of the local group or special and logical guests, food, drinks and snacks at end.

In addition to the meeting in Porto Alegre which we highlighted last weekend, four other events from the CocoaHeads will take place this Thursday, November 27, starting at 7 pm: Campinas (CI&T), Teresina (Infoway), Braslia (Celebration Escritrios Virtuais) and Tatu (FAESB). Success! (CocoaHeads Brasil – Agendas)